Custom ERP development, third party software implantation, hardware and
software support, MS-Windows and GNU/Linux system administration, voice
and data network design, implementation & support, RGPD, industrial
computing and lab devices (Siemens, Instron, Textechno, Helfis, Lenzing),
cybersecurity and digital forensic analysis.
SAP migration director (Product Owner). [Seidor SAP, Boyum BEAS,
Taiga, EKCIT/TIC.Portal, Cloud DataRush]
Sage Murano support and development of integration software. [Python,
Several solutions for 18 success cases. Technologies: GESCO3, dBase IV,
Delphi, Interbase (firebird), C++/C, MS-Access MDB, DAO (ADODB), Visual
Basic, COBOL, Python, wxWidgets/GTK, ReportLab, PostgreSQL, Guadalinex
GNU/Linux, MTA postfix, fetchmail, spamassassin, procmail, courier-imap,
Apache, SAMBA/NIS NFS, Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu GNU/Linux.
2021 – Present
Non profit organisation for generate transformation and social impact,
as well as building and contributing to create a participatory and inclusive
digital citizenship with more opportuninies.
INCIBE - National Institute of Cybersecurity (Spain)
Protect your business: Cybersecurity working remote
2014 2019
MiríadaX - Telefónica Educación Digital S.L.U
Agile and Lean
Robots and videogames (Arduino + Scratch)
Statistic Analysis with R
Cloud Computing
Business Intelligence and Big Data
Learn WordPress (the easy way)
Introduction to videogames design
Learn to develop mobile apps (3rd edition)
Introduction to gamification through practical cases
Practical computer security
Experimental Data Analysis: Basic Toolbox (2nd edition)
2010 2011
Plan Avanza2 - Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce (Spain).
Linux 9 Administration: Systems and resources
Structure and working of Linux Red Hat 9
UML Language
Structure and working of Windows Server 2003
2009 2009
Navision IBB functional course
1999-11 2004-09
University of Huelva, Spain
Ingeniero técnico en informática
de gestión
High grades on: Programming II [Prolog], Operating Systems [Plan9 from
Bell Labs], IA: Expert Systems [CASPIAN], AI: Evolutive and Bioinspired
Algorithms, AI: Heuristics and search algorithms.
Installation and configuration of a GNU/Linux system. (2001)