BI applied to Hamster time tracker and Taiga project manager to make a recap over 2023.
Portfolio web page for @ballethuelva. Dance classes and courses in Huelva (Andalusia, Spain) for all level and ages.
Several self-hosted services with a fancy dashboard.
Wordle clone forked from [Lynn]( Adapted for use a dictionary based on typical vocabulary from Huelva (Andalusia, Spain).
A simple Streamlit based Python app for extract data from hamster-time-tracker database and show it in several graphical ways. _Il tempo stesso._
New personal webpage and porfolio.
Personal server web.
Telegram bot to help in issues reporting to IT support.
Online shop for flamenco and ballet store and academy.
NautilusEmblem: A Beets plugin for happy gnome users. NautilusEmblem will add an «OK» emblem to directories after every album is imported succesfully to Beets. If Skip or aBort, emblem is not added. In case of reimporting previously added albums, it will show the emblem too if not already.
Software configuration and support for arcade emulation machines.
Custom development for a TI monitoring oriented Intranet.
A simple script to create or update playlists in youtube based on a list of songs in a plain text file.
Mixtable with 128 channels made with Arduino Mega and 8 multiplexers. Connected via MIDI over USB to a professional sound system in live shows.
Gnome shell extension to show current active alarms on panel.
Parses Lenzing analysis data files and generate a new CSV file with processed information.
Calculates reference values and recommendations for different applications of Geotexan products.
Responsive theme for wordpress designed and developed for the Geotexan former web.
Linux commandline tools to configure the SteelSeries Rival Gaming Mouse series 100.
Get track of your wishlists and gifts. **Still in early stage development.** Two subprojects: CloudMarket as a web and as an app for Android.
My own version of offical tomboy add-in Note Of The Day. Instead of create new notes based on NoteOfTheDay template, yesterday note is used. If it does not exists, the template is used.
Tomboy AutoReplace Add-in for Tomboy that changes arrows in the same way that LibreOffice, for instace. Plus '---' becomes a (sort of) horizontal separator line.
Tomboy Addon: Support for easy writing of unicode checkmark symbols in tomboy notes.
Plugin for Joomla which plays random songs and displays random albums.
Simple marketing mailer.
**OBSOLETE** Software to manage activities, customers, sales, purchases and activities for Pilates centers.
Software for a quality control company and arid test laboratory.
**OBSOLETE** First web for «el Metro de Sevilla» (Seville Subway/Tube).
**OBSOLETE** Software to manage production in a fruit harvest oriented business.
**OBSOLETE** A very simple software to manage patients' endocrinological info.
ERP for a geotextile factory. Heavily designed and developed from scratch to fulfill Geotexan needs.
**OBSOLETE** Software to store and manage data related to dental clinic patients. Migrated from an old COBOL database.